Percentage Calculator

X is Y% of Z:

What is X% of Y:

X is what % of Y:

Percentage Difference:

Percentage Change:

What is a Percentage?

In mathematics, a percentage represents a value as a fraction of 100, providing a straightforward way to express proportions. Often symbolized by the % sign, percentages are widely used in fields like finance, statistics, and everyday calculations.

For example, 35% means 35 out of every 100 units, which can also be represented as the decimal 0.35 or the fraction35/100.

Percentages are calculated by multiplying a ratio by 100. For instance, in a classroom where 25 out of 50 students are male:

  • The ratio is 25/50 = 0.5.
  • By multiplying by 100, we get 50%, indicating half of the students are male.

Percentage Formula

The basic formula for calculating percentages involves:

  • P: The percentage
  • V1: The initial value
  • V2: The resulting value

Formula: P × V1 = V2

Example: To find the percentage of 30 that results in 1.5:

P × 30 = 1.5

Solving for P: P = 1.5 / 30 = 0.05 = 5%

Percentage Difference Formula

The percentage difference between two values is calculated as:

Percentage Difference = (|Value1 - Value2| / Average of Values) × 100

Example: To calculate the percentage difference between 10 and 6:

  • Absolute difference: |10 - 6| = 4
  • Average: (10 + 6) / 2 = 8
  • Percentage Difference: (4 / 8) × 100 = 50%

Percentage Change Formula

The percentage change formula calculates how much a value has increased or decreased relative to its original value:

Percentage Change = (Difference / Original Value) × 100

Example: If a price of $500 increases by 10%, the new price is:

500 × (1 + 0.1) = 550

Similarly, if the price decreases by 10%, the new price is:

500 × (1 - 0.1) = 450